One thing that I love about Sunday, is that it is the one day that
has been set apart by Jesus Christ to literally spend the entire time
thinking about Him, and going to church, and resting (unless you are a
missionary haha then it probably still your favorite day). But, there is
one question that may have arised and that may be, 'how can I keep the
Sabbath day holy?' I know that Sunday
is the Lord's day, and that we should be willing to do everything that
He wants us to do. Of course it is going to take a great sacrifice, but
it will always be worth it. I've heard this quote from somewhere that
say something like, "you have to open some doors to let something's out,
to let in the blessing of heaven." I know, I totally just butchered it
:) but, the important thing is that if you put the Lord first, then
everything will fall into place, the moment you don't put him first, and
you tell God what to do, is when your life all falls apart, because He
has already told you what needs to be done, and it is your duty to
follow through and do it. Here below are some awesome ideas to do on Sunday.
I really like #25-doing a talent show for the elderly, is seriously
really fun to do. I remember doing this with my family when I was
little, and they absoluatly love it (it was treated as more of a FHE). I
also love #16, #34, #35, #2, #17, #23, and literally all of them 
I hope that y'all have a wonderful week! I love you!