WOW! I finally made it to the MTC(Missionary Training Center)! Time has
flown fast! I feel like I only got here a few hours ago, but it has been
nearly a week! After I got dropped off, I got to meet my new
companions, and yes I am in a trio! It's not rare, but it is not very
common either, and I love them! Apart of having companions is going
everywhere with them, unless you are at your residence or bathroom.
the first few hours, my companions and I got to teach an investigator
with about 50 other missionaries who had only been there for a few
hours. It was an amazing experience! You could say something if you
wanted to, but you could also just sit back and watch. It was probably
one of the coolest things that I had ever seen in my life!
have taught several lessons to investigators, but they do not tell us
if they really are investigating the church or just teachers acting to
give us experience. We are suppose to teach them like they are true
investigators. One of the most fun things I like about investigators is
trying to figure out what they already know and have a testimony on and
then either filling in the gaps, clarifying, teaching, and committing
them. I really enjoy it! I have loved learning so much about the
Every hour of everyday is filled with things
to do, whether it is class, personal/companionship study, dinner, or
even laundry. I have been trying to make the absolute most out of my MTC
experience because I know that this is a one time experience and I will
be using these skills for my entire missions.
The church is true! I love you all!
Sister Toomey
Sister Heidi Toomey & the Louisiana state flag | |
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