Thursday, August 11, 2016


Hey Y'all!! Every week, we have this thing called missionary coordination, which is a meeting with us, the branch mission leaders, and the other elders in our branch. This week, we talked about having temperance, and how we need to be even-keeled. To be even-keeled on a boat, means that it is balanced, unless everyone and everything go to one side of it, then it will flip over and bang, everything is in the water, and you boat is flipped over. I think that we could all be more even-keeled and temperant. Read this beautiful talk by Elder Watson:

I am staying here in Lulling for a 4th transfer now. I was warned by many branch members that people who start off their missions in Lulling, tend to stay there for a while, so it's not really a surprise that I am still here.

So far, we have been teaching a lot more than just the normal missionary lessons, we have been teaching ARP (Addiction Recovery Program) and newly as of this week, we have been helping someone try to get the Pathway program here in Louisiana. We are also trying to start teaching the Stop-Smoking Workshop. Most non-members here smoke, and they know it is bad for them, and they want to stop, they just haven't had that push to stop.  

While we were in Killona, we were about to teach H, but she had to let her dog out for a minute, so we went with her, and while we were outside, this guy comes sprinting down the street, and at first we thought that he was trying to talk to H, but he was coming for us, and he told us, "give me something to read, give me somethin' to read" and he thought that we were the Jehovah Witnesses, and we made it clear that we were Mormons, and he still wanted something to read, so of course we gave him something to read. We didn't have a Book for Mormon on us, so we gave him a Restoration and Gospel of Jesus Christ Pamphlet, and we got his name and address so we can go back and teach him. It was AWESOME!

Also, while we were in the same town, we tracted into someone, who already knew a member, and she let us right in, we taught from the Book of Mormon, and her grand-daughter, referred us to her other grandmother. We are really excited to see where this all goes :)


Sister Toomey

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