Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Godly Qualities

Hello Everyone!

This week, we have had a lot of progressing investigators, which is VERY exciting!! We had 2 investigators come to church this week!! 1 of them wasn't at the church when we first got there, so we walked to his house, and told him to do it for the Lord and we came back feeling somewhat accomplished, but still a little sad, and he told us that he might come later. I don't like maybes. You are either there or you aren't. There is literally no inbetween when it comes to church attendance. So, Sacrament ended, then we went on to teach Gospel Principles (Sunday School) and he still wasn't there. Then we got a text from Elder Moody, who was on his way out to another branch, also stopped at his house unplanned, told him to go to church, and lo and behold, he came to church in the middle of Gospel Principles, and it was so exciting! He also stayed for Priesthood meeting! 

Also, this week, my companion has been sick, so for the past few days, we have been going out is to see people with appointments. Also,  because I refuse to sit around and do nothing, I have been reading old Ensigns (church magazines/we have a stack about a cubit(18") high). I read Our Search for Happiness by M. Russel Ballard and he said that God wants us to develop every godly quality. That hit me. Every. Godly. Quality. I did not know that was a thing. But it makes a lot of sense of why our loving Heavenly Father even put us here on this earth. Without being here on the earth, then we could had never progressed, and become the person who we originally wanted to be like, God. And while we are here on this earth, we need to get ourselves together and with God's help, then we can have every, godly, quality. So, I have taken this opportune moment, to figure out what God wants me to do by praying, pondering, and reading my Patriarchal blessing. It's really nice not having any distractions, and thus far, it looks like I am outlining a research paper. 

I love everyone of you!
Sister Toomey

This was definately one of the most sketchy Bible refferals that I have ever gotten in my life. Nobody was there.

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